In my study of Judaism I found that Isaiah 7:14 was explained as being about Isaiah himself, his wife is the young maiden and the child born is the child of Mr and Mrs Isaiah.
Some Jews today think that the Jews as a group are the Messiah. Some Hasidic Jews today think the late Rabbi Schneerson of Brooklyn, New York is the Messiah and will be resurrected from the dead.
The learned Rabbi Akiba of the second century AD thought that Bar Kochba leader of the second Jewish revolt against the Romans in 135 AD was the Messiah in the same sense that the Apostles thought Jesus might be the Messiah. Jesus and Bar Kochba were killed by the Romans. Rabbi Akiba and most of the Apostles were killed for faith in their respective Messiahs.
In the 1600's a Turkish Jew, whose name I have trouble spelling, proclaimed himself the Messiah and thousands of Jews followed him. He claimed that since he was the Messiah he could break all the laws of Mses and ate unkosher food, engaged in wife swapping and other un Jewsih behaviour and his followers did likewise. The Ottoman Sultan demanded this Messiah convert to Islam or die and Allah be praised he did. An extreme minority of the Jewish community still follow this guy and get together for holy orgies.
There is no Jewish Pope or faithful and discreet slave of the Jews. Being a good Jew a person has a lot of lattitude. As Rabbi Hillel said to a potential Jewish convert while standing on one foot (100 years before the birth of Jesus) "Love God with your whole heart and your neighbor as yourself, everything else is commentary."